Thursday, May 15, 2008

Going up the Hill!

Well, I set out today to go to the post office and run right back home. As I'm going down the road, the truck dies. I make the decision to let it coast down Broadway thinking I might make it to White Oak but mid coast I realize White Oak doesn't have diesel. So I try swinging into the Fire Dept. but end up in the grass off to the side. Just for future reference, vehicles like gas and gas usually helps them case there are any of you out there that haven't figured that out, such as myself!

Why you ask am I telling you this story. Well, as I'm walking up Broadway Hill back to our house (which is located at te very top of the hill mind you) God says, "Paige, you are going to have to get prepared. You can't expect me to do it all." Then it all comes to light this little incovenience.....of walking up the hill. I realize that oh my would have been so much easier if I would have had tennis shoes on...flip flops are not the greatest thing to walk in. (Boy the sides of my calves started to burn.) Then I realized oh my goodness....I didn't brush my teeth, put deodorant or put any make up on (if any of you know me, I like to have my make up on when I go to town ...really not so much for me but just to spare you all :) ) Anyway, here I am walking up Broadway not too happy with the whole situation but grinning because God is speaking to me. Funny how he does that, using these types of situations, for you to really think and listen! I realized that I had been procastinating....not completely getting what I need to get done, done. I was planning on "walking up Broadway" and hadn't prepared. I didn't wear tennis shoes and you all know you should probably wear tennis shoes if you are planning a long walk. I didn't brush my teeth that would have come in real handy if anyone would have drove by (did I mention not one car drove up the street as I was walking up it! Where are all the people??? I thought....) Makeup and deodorant, well as much as that's not a real necessity, I do like to go out and not scare everyone, not too big of a deal since there was no one! :)

What I'm getting at is we are wanting to adopt but all we are doing is praying (that's not a bad thing) but we are waiting for God and he's not going to do it all for us. One thing I did realize was that he will provide you with was overcast, boy would I have been ticked if it was sunny and was breezy, that made it nice when I begin to feel like the oxygen was being cut off at my throat! So he will help out with the overall picture but he expects us to do our part. Getting prepared, doing what you know you need to do.

As I topped the hill and was at the home stretch, I almost felt like I could run (ok, I won't go overboard, maybe a swift jog). The joy of making it to the top, to the finish. He then says,"I'll get you to the end just do what you need to do though...." God is good. He shows that to me daily even when he makes me walk up Broadway Hill not prepared!

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