Sunday, July 27, 2008

We are almost done!!!

With the papework that is! We worked on Clinton's autobiographical statement today and I think we are almost done. I believe by Tuesday we can mail it all off to the Home Study agency and we will be on our way to the next step.

Now the home study is complete I can send in all the grant applications. There are so many grants out there and boy receiving any of them would be a tremendous blessing. As many know, our only reservation about adopting at all has been a financial question. We know that God will provide. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. But in all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Prov 3. We are dying here...boy wouldn't it be nice to know that the 28,000 was just sitting there waiting to be used but you know what? It's not there where we can see it but I believe it! I believe that God has His own little bank account waiting on us. Praise God!!! That he will work it out so that we can praise Him when we hold our little one in our arms! I cry as I write this because of just how amazing He is!!! God is good!

One thing that has become quite clear to me is that we have to stop eating out!!!! I was taking a look at our eating out for the last month or so and I believe we can free up some $$ if we will stick our hiney's at our kitchen table! Now grant it, that is going to be quite a bit harder to do than the average....since we LOVE to eat out. Don't quite know why..I really do love to's the cleaning up I hate...the boys better get their dish washing hands ready! Cause this momma means business, we've got to get this little girl home. How can we expect God for anything if we aren't using the money He provides to us wisely. Sorry God, going to have to get better at that!!

I am so very thankful for those that have prayed for us, that have given us that little word of encouragement during this time. Our strength has come from God and we so appreciate your prayers to Him! Isn't it great just to rest in His loving arms to know that He is our Father. To completely grasp the amazing power and authority we have as His children. To feel the amazing love that He gives even when we mess up! God is love! Now go and be love because where there is love, there is God!!!

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