Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fighting Battles

Don't we all face them. Battles? Whether it be mentally, financially or physically, each of us are faced with our own battles. As I think about what to do when faced with adversity, pain, heartache it's hard not to see how the world expects us to react. Many of these battles just show up, and sometimes they linger for a while. That gets hard when you feel like you keep running in circles trying to escape it. We have a choice though....A choice to proclaim freedom and love over them or we have the choice to let them permantely set up residence in our mind and our heart.

The story of Jehoshaphat is one of my favorite stories. Jehoshaphat was faced with a battle that seemed like it could never be won. He listened though, he waited and believed. He praised the Lord and watched as the enemy was defeated right before his eyes. Let us learn from Jehoshaphat! God is prepared and ready to fight our battles for us. We just have to get to the point that we become reliant on Him. Then we have to begin to praise Him for what he has done for us and what he is going to do!

We can't let the battles of life take us over. We have to remain couragous and trust. Pray for courage over your situations. Then walk in faith. Faith is not something that we have to acquire, it merely shows up up when you believe in our God! God is good!

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