Thursday, December 4, 2008


Have you ever wondered why just all of a sudden you can look up and your old! :) How about the fact your kiddos just started to walk and now they are almost teenagers! Even better, how could it just be the beginning of 2008 and somehow we are in December!!! Time is flying by....

Class this Sat. and then the final one on the 13th. One step closer in being approved through the state. We still have to do our CPR class and I still have to fill out SOME MORE paperwork the state needs. NO FUN!!! But it will all be worth it when our new family member joins us.

I saw a little ornament today and it said, "two more feet added to the "let's just say the Evans" family." My heart swelled up with love and smiles- I guess your heart can smile....anyway, I was happy! Everyday, is one day closer. Still not sure when or how but I remain faithful to God because he is ALWAYS faithful to me.

In probably the most busiest time of the year, Enjoy! Family & Friends. Don't try filling your time up so much that you miss out on the important stuff! You know exactly what I mean!!! LOL!

Please pray that we remain steadfast and true to His word and His guidance. Sometimes I want to take it over and do something! So I need a little help with that, too. Pray we don't grow weary in this journey. Sometimes the ole devil wants to creep in and tell me that it will never happen. I'm crazy to even think we will ever get a little girl. Even so much as that I need to quit talking about it, cause people are beginning to think you are crazy...for believing for all this and like looking to God to make it happen. He says all that, sometimes daily!!! You know all that negative stuff. But I know, that I know, that I know -God is the Author and Finisher of of our faith. It is written! Our faith believes that one day we will hold that sweet child. Our family stands in agreement and we will not be moved!

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