Monday, October 12, 2009

All I can say is UMM.

I stood in her room tonight. As I shut the blinds, I just say out loud, "It's so much more than a pink bedroom and a sign that says, "Expect a Miracle." Where did that come from??....I think it's just a small reminder that this is all about Him. Man, it's hard to walk out your faith. I can't imagine how Noah felt when God said, "Build an ark." Or how about when God told Abraham and Sarah they were expecting at like 100 years old....Or when he put the desire in David to fight Goliath. I'm sure more than a few folks thought they were NUTS! I wonder if fear set in and they doubted God. I wonder if in there quiet time alone with Him, did they ask, "Is this really going to happen?" What did it take for them to believe and trust Him? Maybe it's about a hope that is so much bigger than ourselves.

I used to think I could do about anything, if I set my mind to it. I worked hard, tried to always go over and beyond and believed most of the time if I didn't know an answer, I could find it. Oh how things have changed. I can't do anything. I don't know anything. So it's pretty safe to say without Him, I am nothing. I really can't remember how it was without needing Him. Though I know I went a long time that way.....I never want to go back to it again. It's scary the decisions and plans I made on my own. Boy, who did I think I was?

So today, I stand in awe of just how amazing He is. He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Even when it seems like there is no end in sight. God holds it all in His hands. Why is it so hard for us to believe in Him for everything? He created the world. You look at a tree. It's beautiful standing there. Strong, big and the amazing transformation of the colors of its leaves are just a few things that stand out. Think about how far the root system goes, think about how the little seedling grew into the mighty tree it is. God did that. He knew it needed a seed, He knew it would need a strong root system to support the massiveness it would become. So if He created it and planned every little detail all the way down to the seed. Don't you think He cares about every detail of our life. Each decision, each desire. He knows it all. Trust in Him. You are His seed. Continue to be watered by His word. Though you may sway like the tree in the storm rest assure you will not fall if you are deeply rooted in Him.

God is good all the time.

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