Monday, December 15, 2008


Saturday was it....last class! A few things still do to....but we are much closer to having a child or children placed with us. We aren't rushing it though. The house will be done in probably 1 month or so...HOPEFULLY! And we will then schedule our final home visit.

The last class was amazing. We met a foster family and an adoptive family. The story from the adoptive family was so moving. They have adopted 3 children! A sibling group, 2 and 4 at the time of adoption. Then most recently, a little boy that was supposed to be 6 months but when they went to pick him up he was 6 weeks!!! Their whole story was such a God thing....And they praise Him for working in their lives. It was AWESOME!!! I cried, Cliton teared up...I think everyone teared up. The foster mom came with her little one she's had for 6 or so months, the little girl is 9 months old now. The birth mom does not make visits and is pregnant again. The reality of what's going on in our world today. I can't help but think that the young girl is just searching for love...and and is looking for it in all the wrong places.

Haven't we all looked for that love in all the wrong, partying, shopping, all that. Does it ever fill us up? No? Does it ever provide the comfort and joy and peace that we all are looking for? No. The only place that we will ever experience true love and true acceptance is through Jesus Christ. People fail us, we fail ourselves....but He is never failing. He is forever faithful. There's a song called, "A God Shaped Hole". We all have a hole, he created us that we would look to Him.

God is so good. Are you letting Him fill your hole?

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