Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's turned in!

The paperwork is in DHS hands! I called about the Adoption/Foster PRIDE Classes that are offered through The CALL in Little Rock. Problem is they are only offered to Pulaski and Lonoke County residents. After emailing back and forth with the director a few times, it became quite apparent that The Call needs to come to our area. I won't bore you with all the details but when things happen and those little "ironic" moments come up, it's hard not deny that those are "God things" as now I like to refer to them. I think about all the times I missed the "God things" in my life.....those little nudges, phone calls, signs that he sent and I refused to listen because I had a plan!!! Boy, I'm so glad that I don't have to plan it all anymore. That was tiring..... :)

God is so good. The cool thing is that He will lead us if we just ask Him. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and door shall be opened. Never quite understood the power from these words!

So anyway, The Call is an awesome Spirit led program that helps simplify the foster/adopt process by offering the classes 2 weekends in a month and your done. Right now, I'm continuing to pray for guidance. I sure don't need just another thing to do but I do want to do what God has called me to do. He prepares us daily to do Kingdom work. We just have to not live in fear and go for it. I've learned that lots of times He is just waiting for me to take the one step in faith. So just pray that I listen to Him and what will bring Him the most glory.

I can't help but think that there are more families in this community that don't have 10 weeks to commit to PRIDE Classes. How great would it be to open the door to many that may have never felt like they could commit to all that but would be interested in giving a child a home. It gets pretty emotional for me as I begin to think about the many children that are lost in the system. 35 years ago...I was one of those children but I was fortunate enough that I found my forever family. These children do not ask for this....they didn't ask to be brought into this world and then just set to the side like some unwanted pair of shoes that no one wants anymore. Each of these children have things in them that are just waiting to flower but like any seed if it's never watered it will die and never be what it was called to be. That breaks my heart. I could have been one of those kids....It's very important that I now use what God has placed inside of me to do His work not just to satisfy my needs (did that way too long). So if you don't mind pray that God will move in a mighty way to help the children in our community as well as across the nation. That folks will begin to stand up and offer their hearts to adoption or foster care.

May each of us look at the cards we have been dealt (good and bad) and really search for what God has given us. What is your heart's desire?


melonie thompson said...

YOU are an amazing person. I thank you for being the voice for the children. God Bless you:>)

Anonymous said...

Congratulatuions and good luck. We'll keep you in our prayers!