Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Trust- to place confidence. Abraham, Noah, Sarah, Rahab....just a few folks that decided to place confidence in God! We are asking for the same trust that they possesed! Can you imagine the faith it took to trust in God back then? Something that the physical eyes could not see but God had already placed what was necessary to complete His plan in each of these people, they had to make the choice to step out in faith. And, now we have the Word that shares with us each of their stories. Think about them, they didn't have the Bible to go to. What men and women of faith they were. I'm so thankful for the Word and blessed to know that God is so good!

As for God His way is PERFECT, the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust Him. Ps. 18:30

But I trusted in thee oh God, Oh Lord; I said Thou art my God. Ps.31:14

Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord who puts his confidence in Him. Jer. 17:7

We come to you God trusting that Your plan will come to pass. We come boldly to your throne and say we trust in You alone!

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