Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting....what a word! Not too common in this world of convienience- of the instant gratification fix. Our world has turned in to an "instant fix" for about any problem or need a person may have. Cell phones, voice mail, instant messaging.....We've become so accustom to getting what we want when we want that we have lost the "ancient art" of waiting.

Grant it, it's great that you can drive by the local McDonald's- in an out in less than 5 mins.- and a meal for the whole family. Boy, I've been thankful for that some evenings!! Cell phones, those come in handy too especially when you forgot to put milk on the list and your able to get that call in and then enjoy milk with those cookies. But if you think about, it's kinda turned us into a bunch of impatient, gratification seekers. So when it's time to make a decision about something big we tend to want to know the answer NOW! The Spirit will prompt you, He is there with us all the time we just have to "choose" to listen. Then you've got the answer.....oh my.....that's a whole 'nother can of worms....sometimes that answer is something that doesn't quite go along with "our plans". Then what do we do??? More on that later....

Ultimatley, isn't it all about "choices" choosing patience over the instant fix. Choosing peace over the craziness we sometimes turn our lives into. Choosing love instead of the judgment that comes so easy. The Bible says, that we have the fruits of the Spirit. We have them. We don't have to go and get them, it's not some mystical equation, it's not even something we have to wait for....each and every one of them are given to us freely. If we embrace each of them, the waiting we need to do isn't so hard.

So today why don't we all choose to "wait upon the Lord". Why don't we choose to receive the patience He says we have and with that we can be confident knowing that His glory will be revealed. Now that's amazing....and pretty easy if you think about it.

Father, may we all choose to wait upon your plan. Give us the confidence to understand that you alone know our steps. We pray that with faith, with the trust in you alone, we come to fully understand how AWESOME you are. Work in each of our lives so we may have the abundant, over flowing joy you offer!

Now get ready.....because if you listen- you'll hear!


Lynn said...

wow! thanks for sharing your journey. We will be praying for your blessings to flow, but know that God blesses those who seek him, always. Always in His time, and not ours, but He always blesses! God bless you on your journey of faith and growth in Him!

Evans Family Adoption said...

Thanks guys for your encouraging thoughts! I've been reading your journey there in Panama. What a wonderful thing God has called you to do. Thank you for being faithful and obedient. God bless you all.